Classes are grouped according to age and German proficiency.
Deutscher Kindergarten
Playful immersion Group for ages 3 to almost 5 years old: seeing, smelling, moving, singing, listening with active participation of children and adults. The adult may stay, learn, refresh or use German, help; may leave once the child feels comfortable.
Stories, circles, chants, songs and a craft: Wir lesen Kinderbcher, singen, rappen und basteln.
Classes have almost 6 year olds to 2nd grade. A formal publisher curriculum is followed, a notebook kept, reading readiness encouraged, emphasis is on expanding vocabulary with the themes of the calendar year, friends and animals, house, classroom and my family, celebrating birthdays to United Nations Day.
Classes include students from a Primar class or new students in Grades 3 through 6. Although some prior knowledge of German is recommended, beginners can join Grundstufe sections.
Older students who have significant prior experience or German instruction join a Mittelstufe class.
Students may be in different sections of Primar or Grundstufe for more than one year since the content changes each year.
Beginning German for Adults.
We continue to teach the language to adults and are usually able meet the needs of families.
The school offers family group classes with sufficient enrollment.